

vector-i wins first prize

 Great news! The folly “Droogtoren; Search in the Soil” by vector-i has won first prize in the 2024 edition of Folly Art Norg. This folly, made from Compressed Earth Blocks, is an ode to the earth.

The jury praised the work as a powerful example of site-specific architecture, perfectly capturing the rich history of the Drenthe peat landscape. Despite some challenges during its construction, the folly impressed with its geometric shapes and refined details. From the carefully placed stones to the handmade bench, every aspect of this project exudes craftsmanship and creativity.


The magic of discovery: The location and position of the folly enhance the sense of surprise, while the playful combination of materials and forms creates a unique ritual in which visitors leave small stones and flowers inside the structure—a truly poetic experience!


Foto: Joost Nuijten