
Biobased and modular building system

mHome represents a new way of building: modular, sustainable, flexible, detachable, and affordable. It consists of biobased building modules that provide smart solutions to various housing challenges. mHome offers the freedom to live and work wherever you want, in a vapor-permeable and healthy indoor climate with great comfort.

The constructed volume is composed of modular building blocks that can be interconnected and stacked in various ways. Through these clever configurations, the dwelling features both a private terrace and a communal garden. The arrangement gives character and identity to the shared outdoor space.

The climate-adaptive outdoor area is co-created with the residents, incorporating various functions such as a playground, vegetable garden, and wildflower garden. The communal pavilion accommodates shared facilities such as storage, washing machines, bicycle parking, and a shared studio and/or living room.

We believe in a significant transformation of the construction industry to address major societal challenges, such as housing shortages, social isolation, harmful emissions, and material scarcity. Industrializing housing construction in the Netherlands is a key pillar in providing good, comfortable, and affordable living spaces for everyone. Therefore, vector-i is a partner of mHome, a biobased and circular modular building system with a positive CO2 impact.


Location Helmond, The Netherlands

Year 2022

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